Tuesday 25 February 2014

Sam The Brick

Hi lovelies

The other night I was lying awake in bed and like any normal night I was messaging my friend Becky. I was lying there, enclosed in the darkness thinking about my gcse options and what I want to be and achieve and it suddenly hit me that I was nobody. I came to the realisation that I want to be all these amazing things and I want to have all these amazing talents and I just can’t say I do right now. I thought to myself, if I die tomorrow, what have I achieved in my life? What will people say I did? And I felt really sad. I told Becky this and she told me "of course you are not just anybody, you are you". Well...I am me but who am I. I've become so engrossed in finding myself and figuring out who I am instead of who I want to be. I told Becky "well, Of course I'm me but I am nothing. If you had a brick and you named the brick Sam then Sam is simply a brick and there’s nothing more to him" And she had a pretty good answer for that in my opinion.

She told me that from the moment we are born every person you meet, every song you hear...Everything you do becomes you. Have you ever had a moment where you have found a poem or book that is so beautiful and exquisite that it has found itself a place in your mind and heart and imprints itself there for eternity? The sort of song that fills you with this indescribable sensation and you know you will never be the same without hearing it a million more times. Every fact you learn, ever place you travel and the people who influence you, they alter you. They influence you in ways that are pretty damn crazy when you think about it. People have so many diverse opinions and when you share them we all take extracts of people. When you spend time with the ones you love they become a part of your life in such a gigantic way. We are developing every day, even if you are sat on your bum having a lazy day with your best friend! 

So it turns out that Sam isn’t just a brick...He has a story. He has been cemented along with other bricks who he shares his life with. He has helped be a part of things that are startling. He had been part of a house. And one day when he is crumbling, He will have a story. Everyone has a story in the end. 

So Sam kind of made me realise that I don’t have to be so paranoid about being something because I've always been something. Me. A human being. The most complicated creature to walk this earth. 

Who would have thought that a brick could influence me....?

Sunday 9 February 2014


I have just had three days off school because there have been two fires in three days (what's up with that!?) so my friends and I have taken advantage of this and have been meeting up and having fun in that time. The school have sent us work to complete and Its not sunday and I still have a ton left. I should be completing this homework right now but.....


We all do it. 

Procrastination is the biggest time consumer and stress producer. How many times have you gone out with your friends and told yourself you will write your essay tomorrow. Or watched a T.V show and told yourself you will tidy up later? It's been way to long since later never came! There is no later. Later is the thing we tell ourself to make sure we feel better about being lazy instead of practical. We find excuses for not doing something but "we can either have results or excuses, not both". Personally, I think the best thing we can do is to learn to disclipine ourselves. In the real world, we dont have someone to remind us the deadline of our presentation or to drag us out of bed to be on time for a meeting. In the end, It is all down to us! The best possible thing we can do is to force ourselves to get things done. To write out a timetable of things that need to be done or homework that is due in. Things become so much easier if you get it out of the way! If I had done all of the homework I needed to hand in before then I wouldn't be stressing out about it now. 

One time I got an old cardboard box and put it in the corner of my room and labelled it "The Messy Box". Every time i was about to go out and there were things on my floor: clothes,hangers,shoes,jewelry etc.. I would throw it all in the messy box and tell myself that i would sort it out when I got home. The thing is i never did sort it out and eventually the box was over spilling with random mess. I remember spending like a whole hour sorting through that box and tidying everything away. Not to mention the times where I was running around my house in search for my left shoe which was stuck somewhere at the bottom of the mess. If I had just tidied my things away in the first place, I wouldnt have spent an hour sorting it and I wuoldnt have been stressing out about where my shoe was. I never had a " Messy Box" again but I still procrastinate pretty much every day. One of my new years resolutions is to be able to to the splits by summer. I have only stretched twice and I fel really good about myself when I did because I felt like I was actually accomplishing something. All the other times I have just sat in front of a computer screen watching youtube videos and telling myself  that I will do it later. It is now almost half past eight and I still have a lot of homework to do after I have written this blog. I'm probably going to get a late night because of it. If only I did it earlier...but how many times does this have to happen before I learn to stop?!! 

Stop procrastinating!! If you are reading this blog and you should be doing something else- DO IT NOW!

All my love,

p.s. I really am going to do this homework now i promise!!!