Tuesday 21 January 2014

Fitting In

In a huge place like the world, it’s hard to find your place. It’s Hard to find people who will accept you and crowds you fit into; it’s hard to figure out which way you turn when there is more than one option. But the hardest thing to find is yourself.
“Life is about creating yourself”
Over time, we change. It’s only normal. Different events or people or societies change us in different ways.  We stumble across so many different things in our journey but they all help to shape us.
This blog could be about one million and one thing right now but I have decided to write about “fitting in”
Have you ever wanted to fit in? To be part of the “cool crowd” To be popular. To be accepted? You’re not the only one. So many people of all ages have these feelings. It’s nothing to be ashamed of! However the things people go through to be accepted are crazy. People get peer pressured to do things like smoke or drink so be accepted into groups.

I’m going to make up an example to emphasise this in more detail...

Lilly is the new girl in school and she doesn’t have many friends. She longs to be part of the clique of popular, glamorous girls. She purchases new clothes like theirs and wears lots of makeup to school and makes an effort with her hair so that the popular girls accept her. Lilly Is now part of their group but is she happy?
The group accept Lilly for what she appears to be and not who she actually is. Not for her personality. 

Like in the movie mean girls, These girls appear to be glamorous and popular but they are truly unhappy and paranoid because they are so desperate to fit in.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should never change yourself for someone else to like you. As long as you are happy with yourself, that is all that matters!
Personally, I don’t really care about fitting in. Being myself and not trying to fit in seems to revealed a great group of friends who like me for me.
Anyone who can’t accept you for YOU  isn’t even worth your time. After all, why try so hard to blend into a crowd when you can be one of a kind. Stand out and be proud of who you are. 

"pretending to be someone else is a waste of who you are" Kurt Cobain

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