Sunday 26 January 2014

♡Happiness Jar♡

A while ago I saw this thing on instagram called "the dream pot" which Is when you get a used jar and you fill it with little notes full of your dreams. I thought this was a really sweet idea so I created my own "happiness pot" I fill it with little quotes and sayings.

gs and It's really nice to pick some out now and again and read them. I would recommend doing this because I feel like it puts you in a better mood and it's also a cute creative decoration for your bedroom. 

They're really simple to create. All you need is a used jar that was previously a jam jar or something and then you can create your own label and tie a cute ribbon around it. You can fill it with whatever you like. You could have a jar full of dates of every time you fall over or a jar full of memories. Its up to you. 

Another really cute idea is to create a friendship jar with your best friend or a group of friends and all write down things you want to do together and put it in the jar. 

I hope this has inspired some of you to create some of these! Good luck and have fun :)

(Sorry for the short Blog.)

Much Love,

p.s. I recently created a new blog called the Book Blog. I would appreciate it if you guys went to read it :) I'm going to posting book discussion questions,book reviews etc. xxx

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