Tuesday 21 January 2014


Hey guys,
I have been contemplating whether or not I should create a Blog or not for ages so today i decided i would. I love writting and I have books full of all sorts and recently I thought it would be nice to share my random thoughts with the internet world. So here I am.

In the words of mother Teresa, "Spread love everywhere you go, let no one ever leave you without leaving happier"  I hope my blogs are positive and spread some form of happiness somewhere :) 

My Blog posts will consist of utter randomness. So if you are strange and curious, maybe you will enjoy them!

I’m going to be honest with you, I genuinely have no clue how to make blogs and that is probably due to my lack of I.T skills. It took me forever to open this account and actually post this (that is if it actually posts!)

So if you think you will enjoy randomness that will perplex your mind, Geeky thoughts, the exposure of my weirdness, probably too many quotes, Poems, the access to my strange thoughts and other stuff... Enjoy my blogs! 

(sorry for the dates of this blog. It was originally posted last year with the following two blogs however i am unable to use my previous account)

Much Love,
Star Upon A Wish 

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