Tuesday 21 January 2014

snow *

Snow ✳

As it is now december I thought I would get my blogs a little bit festive by posting a piece i wrote about our festive weather.Enjoy! 
Much love, 
Star upon A Wish


the whirlwind of winter has arrived. The frail sprinkles of sugar sway gently to the frozen floor. Perfect marbles of glitter drift daintily past the bare branches of trees,covered in chilly veils and winter white blossom. Falling like refined confetti,coating the ground in a slender silver blanket. The elegant snowflakes catch on the colorless petals of frozen flowers. Lifeless leaves shiver and fall into a beautiful winter ocean. The whistling wind carries the icy flakes down like tears from heaven. specs of snow fall delicately to the  
                                     Unblemished Earth. swaying gently, silently...
Lacing the air 
with silver magnificence, The stars shine 
above and illuminate the frozen river, winding through the silent, motionless town like a snake . The fragile fountain of winter flows endlessly into a starry night.

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