Sunday 26 January 2014

♡Happiness Jar♡

A while ago I saw this thing on instagram called "the dream pot" which Is when you get a used jar and you fill it with little notes full of your dreams. I thought this was a really sweet idea so I created my own "happiness pot" I fill it with little quotes and sayings.

gs and It's really nice to pick some out now and again and read them. I would recommend doing this because I feel like it puts you in a better mood and it's also a cute creative decoration for your bedroom. 

They're really simple to create. All you need is a used jar that was previously a jam jar or something and then you can create your own label and tie a cute ribbon around it. You can fill it with whatever you like. You could have a jar full of dates of every time you fall over or a jar full of memories. Its up to you. 

Another really cute idea is to create a friendship jar with your best friend or a group of friends and all write down things you want to do together and put it in the jar. 

I hope this has inspired some of you to create some of these! Good luck and have fun :)

(Sorry for the short Blog.)

Much Love,

p.s. I recently created a new blog called the Book Blog. I would appreciate it if you guys went to read it :) I'm going to posting book discussion questions,book reviews etc. xxx

Saturday 25 January 2014

Random Acts Of kindness

"Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you"

One of my new years resolutions this year is to accomplish a random act of kindness a day. We only live once so we should make sure we do something good everyday even if we are lazing around watching youtube videos (me basically every day!) At the end of the day It would be so satisfying to think of at least one random act of kindness from your day. This could be as simple as helping empty groceries into your kitchen or helping someone clear out their garage. Besides making other people happy makes you happy and will make you a better person. You never know, your random acts of kindness might make someone's day. You don't have to have a reason to help people, take an opportunity. Make someone smile today. Make someone feel good about themself. I have seen these pictures on tumblr of these little pieces of paper that say "take what you need" and they have little things attached to them such as "smiles" or "faith" and I think Its such a cute idea. The world can be a sad and horrible place sometimes but little things like kindness can go a far way. We can make the world beautiful in our eyes by the smallest acts of kindness
 Say something nice and uplifting, tell someone they look beautiful and it will go a long way. Treat people the way you want to be treated. You will be helping people more than you think. Your daily goal should be to make your day happy and to make others happy too.

"If we give a little love maybe we can change the world" -Ariana Grande

Much love, 

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Fitting In

In a huge place like the world, it’s hard to find your place. It’s Hard to find people who will accept you and crowds you fit into; it’s hard to figure out which way you turn when there is more than one option. But the hardest thing to find is yourself.
“Life is about creating yourself”
Over time, we change. It’s only normal. Different events or people or societies change us in different ways.  We stumble across so many different things in our journey but they all help to shape us.
This blog could be about one million and one thing right now but I have decided to write about “fitting in”
Have you ever wanted to fit in? To be part of the “cool crowd” To be popular. To be accepted? You’re not the only one. So many people of all ages have these feelings. It’s nothing to be ashamed of! However the things people go through to be accepted are crazy. People get peer pressured to do things like smoke or drink so be accepted into groups.

I’m going to make up an example to emphasise this in more detail...

Lilly is the new girl in school and she doesn’t have many friends. She longs to be part of the clique of popular, glamorous girls. She purchases new clothes like theirs and wears lots of makeup to school and makes an effort with her hair so that the popular girls accept her. Lilly Is now part of their group but is she happy?
The group accept Lilly for what she appears to be and not who she actually is. Not for her personality. 

Like in the movie mean girls, These girls appear to be glamorous and popular but they are truly unhappy and paranoid because they are so desperate to fit in.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should never change yourself for someone else to like you. As long as you are happy with yourself, that is all that matters!
Personally, I don’t really care about fitting in. Being myself and not trying to fit in seems to revealed a great group of friends who like me for me.
Anyone who can’t accept you for YOU  isn’t even worth your time. After all, why try so hard to blend into a crowd when you can be one of a kind. Stand out and be proud of who you are. 

"pretending to be someone else is a waste of who you are" Kurt Cobain

Happy New Year!

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”  brad Paisley     

So it’s a new year and many people have written their new year’s resolutions. However I find myself to become Exceedingly Lazy!

What normally happens is people write an overly ambitious set of new years resolutions. E.g: Learn portugeese , read 40 books, Get an A* in everything.
As great as these resolutions are, they aren’t that realistic and you will probarly be upset if you don’t achieve them. This year i have set myself many goals to gradually reach. For example, I want to get back in the routine of being energetic. Last summer I did so much excersise yet over Christmas my lazy side seemed to have taken over me, swapping all the time I would spend doing sport/dance/yoga with sitting infront of the TV eating chocolate...
So this year I am going to gradually work up to being energetic again. Of course that isn’t my only goal. I have many but I am not pressuring myself to accomplish these all at once! After all, I have another 365 days! Set yourself many things you want to do this year and slowly work through them at a reasonable pace. You cant be the worlds best scuba diver and an a* student in a week! (or a year...)

You can always improve yourself and your skills to be a better person. Don't give up and try new never know what the year has in store for you...

Apologies for this late blog. Hope You all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year

Lots of love,

snow *

Snow ✳

As it is now december I thought I would get my blogs a little bit festive by posting a piece i wrote about our festive weather.Enjoy! 
Much love, 
Star upon A Wish


the whirlwind of winter has arrived. The frail sprinkles of sugar sway gently to the frozen floor. Perfect marbles of glitter drift daintily past the bare branches of trees,covered in chilly veils and winter white blossom. Falling like refined confetti,coating the ground in a slender silver blanket. The elegant snowflakes catch on the colorless petals of frozen flowers. Lifeless leaves shiver and fall into a beautiful winter ocean. The whistling wind carries the icy flakes down like tears from heaven. specs of snow fall delicately to the  
                                     Unblemished Earth. swaying gently, silently...
Lacing the air 
with silver magnificence, The stars shine 
above and illuminate the frozen river, winding through the silent, motionless town like a snake . The fragile fountain of winter flows endlessly into a starry night.

Fresh starts ♥


Fresh starts: "A new page"

You see, the trouble with these are the high expectations. The previous page is supposed to be forgotten. It's supposed to be like it never existed. The thing is, that is never really the case. Sometimes we see the messy ink spills soak through. the imprinting of your pen shows through the next page. Our past is who we are and no matter how many pages we turn, it is always there. In the words of the GooGooDolls, 

"history is like gravity" 

It's just the way it is and the more we learn to accept that, the easier our lives will be.

The truth is, there is no such thing as a "fresh start". It's more of a "try again". We always look back. It's in our nature. We always turn back pages to look at the mess we have made or the pretty doodles neatly trapped in the margin. We look back at our mistakes. 

I always regret decisions. I always look back and think "what if" but I'm learning to let it go and accept my decisions and learn from them. Life becomes a lot more care-free if you do!

In my opinion, the best type of looking back is the one where we copy the previous page out neater, smarter, improved. The past changes us. It stays within us until our last breath. But errors don't have to be a bad thing. Instead of looking back and feeling regret or cringing , we can learn from our history to change ourselves for the better. 

Much Love,

Star Upon A Wish


Hey guys,
I have been contemplating whether or not I should create a Blog or not for ages so today i decided i would. I love writting and I have books full of all sorts and recently I thought it would be nice to share my random thoughts with the internet world. So here I am.

In the words of mother Teresa, "Spread love everywhere you go, let no one ever leave you without leaving happier"  I hope my blogs are positive and spread some form of happiness somewhere :) 

My Blog posts will consist of utter randomness. So if you are strange and curious, maybe you will enjoy them!

I’m going to be honest with you, I genuinely have no clue how to make blogs and that is probably due to my lack of I.T skills. It took me forever to open this account and actually post this (that is if it actually posts!)

So if you think you will enjoy randomness that will perplex your mind, Geeky thoughts, the exposure of my weirdness, probably too many quotes, Poems, the access to my strange thoughts and other stuff... Enjoy my blogs! 

(sorry for the dates of this blog. It was originally posted last year with the following two blogs however i am unable to use my previous account)

Much Love,
Star Upon A Wish